Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper
Unearth exciting discoveries from archaeological excavations.
Continue your journey, exploring the Middle East during Bible times in another series by field archaeologist David Down - Digging Deeper
1. The Ancient Greeks and the Life to Come
The Ancient Greeks and the Life to Come
2. Jerash
3. Before History Began
Before History Began
4. Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai
5. Capernaum
6. Four Great Empires
Four Great Empires
7. Burial Customs in the Bible
Burial Customs in the Bible
8. The Occult in Antiquity
The Occult in Antiquity
9. Medicine and Health Long Ago
Medicine and Health Long Ago
10. Coins and Antiquity
Coins and Antiquity
11. The Boy King Tutankhamen
The Boy King Tutankhamen