• 221 Enrolled

The Silent Killer

What we do know about cancer

Start For Free

Discover an anti-cancer lifestyle so you can live without fear of the silent killer.

What You Will Learn

What is Cancer?

Living Well explains what happens when cancer develops and its causes.

Cancer Smart

Living Well explains the five key behaviours of the Cancer Smart lifestyle.

Cancer Choices

Detailing Cancer Smart choices, Living Well covers topics such as melanomas, alcohol and soy.


Julie Hoey
Julie Hoey

BSc (Nutrition and Food Sciences), Grad Dip Dietetics, Grad Dip Ed

Maddison Fox
Maddison Fox

BSc (Nutrition), Hons (Dietetics), APD, AN, BAppSc (Exercise and Sport Science), Sports Dietition

Ross Grant
Dr Ross Grant

Phd (NeuroPharmacology), MAppSc (Clin Chemistry), BEd (Sc) (Biochemistry/Chemistry)

Darren Morton
Dr Darren Morton

PhD (Human Physiology), MAppSc (Human Movement), BEd (Distinction)

Christiana Leimena
Dr Christiana Leimena

PhD (Cell Biology and Inherited Heart Disease), BSc Hons (Biomedical Science)

Reviews (6)

Very interesting and eye opening course.

Val Milo

I have found the course to be of great benefit to me, considering the fact that it is hardly 7 months since I lost my sister due to cancer. I will endevour to follow the healthy living principles including weight loss ( I'm 100 kg) so as to avoid cancer.

Thomas Omburah

I think this is very helpful because I know the kind of things to prevent in order to fight against cancer. And I need to start doing them daily to prevent cancer from developing.

Ehasi Mikaele

good course.

Daphne Misbrener

cancer is dangerous desiease. it is spread in body rapidly. preventions are necessary to avoid cancer ; to avoid sunshine, to eat vegetables, take less meat in eating, to move more, avoid obesity, physically activity, spend hours in shady places.

Sara George

Great fun and full of knowelgde

Daphne Potter