Adventist Record

23 JAN 2016 Issue | Vol 121 No 1

Articles in This Issue:

"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden . . . " (Luke 11:33). Speak. Shout. Sing. Share.
Keeping it Simple
Keeping it Simple
We're often told to think big. But sometimes it's the simple ideas that prove the most successful (anyone remember the Pet Rock and the slinky?).
Here's something to wrap your head around: the greatest leader in history was . . . a carpenter. If there was one person who, by any normal reckoning, should not have been a leader, it was Jesus.
Manna from Perth
Manna from Perth
When Bev was 10, she made a resolution to give her love to the world. Why? Because she had never experienced love herself.
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