Signs of the Times
Jan - Feb 2016 Issue | Vol 131 No 1
Articles in This Issue:

The Obesity-Dementia Link
Obesity causes more harm than just being grossly overweight or fat
Media Trends: January 2016
What do they tell us . . . about us?
Adultery and Moral Collapse
Adultery is listed by God as one of His Top 10 no-nos. To have a website that involves millions in betraying their most intimate relationship must indicate some sort of moral watershed, right?
Rhyme Time
Moving to a different state with a new baby was taking its toll—then she slapped her husband in the heat of an argument . . .
Life on Mars?
What does the Bible say about life on planets other than Earth?
Home Alone
As telecommuting becomes more common, employees and employers are discovering some unexpected side effects.
Pro biotics
After more than a century of war with bacteria, we’re finally realising that most of them are in fact our friends.
Shaking Your Salt Habit
You know you should stop adding salt to your food — or at least reduce your intake — but what are the alternatives?
The Game Where Nobody Wins
As marriage increasingly eludes more and more people, an age-old competition may be escalating.
Overheard: January 2016
Overheard a worthy food-for-thought quote? Share it at
The Rhythm of Life
The necessity of resting one day out of every seven is built into our human bodies and that of many other living creatures.
Go Healthy For Good: January/February 2016
Nerida McKibben is the host of HopeChannel’s health and wellness show, Go Healthy For Good. To find out more, go to
The God Helmet
Some spiritual experiences come from God. Others don’t. How do we tell the difference?