Signs of the Times
September 2016 Issue | Vol 131 No 9
Articles in This Issue:

Grace in the delivery room
How do you treat someone who’s overwhelmed with guilt from their past?
Preventing inflammatory bowel disease
While its exact cause is unknown, most researchers believe that inflammatory bowel disease involves a combination of a genetic susceptibility that “loads the gun” and a Western-style diet that “pulls the trigger.”
Crisis at 32,000 feet
How a terrifying event while flying over a foreign country became a valuable lesson about reliance on God.
Media trends: September 2016
After three years, Grammy award-winning English indie rock band Bastille are releasing a follow-up to their breakthrough album, Bad Blood.
Satan’s spy chips
The Bible speaks of a “mark of the beast” that will be used to identify people in Earth’s last days. Is chip technology the way it will happen?
Save our girls!
A salutary warning about the effects of our increasing porn-infiltrated world on young women.
War against revenge porn
Coupling shame and the human desire for vindication, the internet amplifies the harmful effects of porn.
Role models and cheer squads
Want to help children "succeed" and "do well" in life? Then cheer them on.
Discover the Bible - Church
How does one choose a church denomination?
Unethical but legal
What do the Panama Papers teach us about the law and morality?
A reason to live
Blind and without hope, a number of times he had sought death. But God had a plan for his life.
Go healthy for good - September 2016
Using a smartphone in bed is not just keeping us up—it's turning us blind. And another reason why dogs really are man's best friend.
Making the switch
Few things in our day-to-day living are more influenced by tradition than our food choices, but sometimes, change is helpful.
Declared innocent
It’s easy to become discouraged when you try to overcome a sin, only to find yourself falling right back into it. But there is a solution.