Signs of the Times

June 2017 Issue | Vol 132 No 6

Articles in This Issue:

God in His underwear
God in His underwear
What values do you most appreciate—love, humility, graciousness? Anneliese Wahlman points out that Jesus reflected all of these.
The surprise
The surprise
Fertility specialists told Glenn Townend's daughter, Amy, she would never have children. But God had another idea. (Two in fact!)
The gift of giving
The gift of giving
Daryn Graham tells how the Christians in the mid first century AD shared their personal wealth to assist fellow church members in a crisis.
The anti-depression diet
The anti-depression diet
A simple change in diet can effect a change in our mental health.
Hygge your life
Hygge your life
Melody Tan explains a traditional way of thinking that’s putting energy back into our stressed, Western lives.
Untidy minds
Untidy minds
Loren Seibold reflects on the moral mess that today’s entertainment world finds itself in and provides suggestions on how you can deal with it.
The scarlet woman of Revelation
The scarlet woman of Revelation
You've heard of Jezebel—the Old Testament queen invoked as the epitome of libertine living, seduction and evil. Well, the scarlet woman is much worse.
Potato swaps
Potato swaps
Just how healthful a humble potato can be largely depends upon how you prepare it.
Go healthy for good - June 2017
Go healthy for good - June 2017
Want to "liver" good, long life? Think about what and WHEN you eat.
Be the master of your money
Be the master of your money
How can we make money work for us? How do we become its master?
The end of death
The end of death
Nathan Brown’s search for a friend’s grave got him thinking about God’s ultimate plan for dealing with death.
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