Signs of the Times
July 2017 Issue | Vol 132 No 7
Articles in This Issue:

Do miracles still happen?
Evidence for modern-day miracles are sketchy. However, one thing is certain: nothing is impossible with God.
When virtual becomes reality
To reach our changing world, we need to change too. #stayrelevant
Is alcohol OK?
The apostle Paul encouraged his associate Timothy to drink “a little wine” for the stomach and other infirmities (1 Timothy 5:23). So does the Bible condone the drinking of alcohol?
Greed in the last days
How we relate to wealth will become an issue as the final events of earth’s history unfold.
Stuck in the waiting room
"Our churches need to be places where friendship is encouraged and the pressure to couple up is vanquished."
Is baptism necessary?
Does a person have to baptised in order to be saved?
Marriage . . . by single men
As a general rule, you shouldn’t listen to a single man’s ideas about marriage. But there are exceptions.
How to overcome addiction
Why obsession—even with things that can be considered positive—should not be overlooked.
Go healthy for good - July 2017
Why eating walnuts is the way to go. And the lowdown on prenatal DHA supplements.
Which fruit should you eat?
Healthful fruits don’t have to be exotic or expensive. You just need to eat them every day for wellness.
Your child's online footprint
Parents' duty of care to their children extends to the potentially dangerous digital space.