Signs of the Times
December 2009 Issue | Vol 124 No 12
Articles in This Issue:

Marina Prior Making a Difference
Everyone needs to have self-worth. Shane Winfield looks at where Australian Theatre star and regular at Carols by Candlelight Marina Prior discovered hers.
The "Big One" Is Coming
Geoff Youlden reflects on the meaning of the earthquakes that have struck the world in recent years, especially in the western Pacific.
The Perils of Twilight
A new occult thriller has hit the theatres, grabbing the attention of teens. Steve Wohlberg explains its sinister significance.
Gifts That Show You Care
One of the most common Christmas traditions is exchanging gifts. Victor Parachin talks about gifts that people will appreciate even more than things.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Gary Kent reminds us that wherever we are this Christmas, we'll be reminded of the Baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.