Signs of the Times
September 2009 Issue | Vol 124 No 9
Articles in This Issue:

Should you go vego?
Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan, are healthful, nutritionally adequate and may help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases
Why Jesus Washed Their Feet
The washing of another's feet is a practice few Christians participate in today. Harrold Harker looks at the reason why and asks, why not?
Michael, Muhammad and Me
People cope with life's bad news in different ways, but among the best is a sense of humour, as Parkinson's sufferer Alan Holman discovered.
Forgiven, Not Forgotten
His life spiraled out of control. Then, about to crashland, he came to his senses. Tony Lungren describes his journey to God.
How to be a better man
The secret to being a real man, says Victor Parachin, is to learn the fine art of kindness.
50 Amazing Years in Space
Robert Wearner takes a look at space travel past-and future.