Signs of the Times
September 2007 Issue | Vol 122 No 9
Articles in This Issue:

Long-term Weight-loss Secrets
Losing weight may seem easy when compared to weight-loss maintenance.
Aung San Suu Kyi: Prisoner for Freedom
When Aung San Suu Kyi began to speak at Rangoon's Schwedagon pagoda , up to 1 million Burmese people gathered to hear what the daughter of Aung San had to say. "I could not as my father's daughter remain indifferent to all that is going on. This national
Farewell, Sweet Dignity, We Hardly Knew Ye
Some things in life are hard to hold on to. Kim Peckham delves into discovering that which we can retain.
Our Times: September 2007
The primary purpose of Signs of the Times has always been to reveal Jesus to people who have yet to meet Him.
The Heart of God
God could have chosen any way of representing Himself to us. Graeme Loftus suggests that He chose to be "our Father" for good reason.
By Receiving, We Give
When was the last time you received gratefully? Samir Selmanovic explores the difficulty we all have with receiving.
Online Relationship Bluff
My boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago. He refuses to talk to me. I really thought he was the one for me.
In a survey of Australian university students, more than eight out of 10 admitted cheating and copying the work of others.
Start Walking
A brisk daily walk is fine but only if you can cope with it. Do whatever your body permits.
Building God's Ark
Evan Almighty has updated the Noah's ark story-and turned it into the most expensive "comedy" ever made. Prompted by Evan, David Edgren explores the true story of Noah, the ark and God.
Something For Nothing
Loron Wade ponders the various forms of stealing that people participate in and how it affects the character.
The Fine Art of Apology
Why are two little words so hard for us to say? Victor Parachin explores the benefits of saying, "I'm sorry."
The Secret Selling Us Short
A best-selling book with various celebrity endorsements is no guarantee of spiritual truth. Adele Nash considers the hype surrounding The Secret.
Martin Luther: Rising Sun of the Reformation
Reflecting on the bold life of Martin Luther, Arthur Patrick explores how the light of God's Word was allowed to shine in the dark.