Signs of the Times
August 2007 Issue | Vol 122 No 8
Articles in This Issue:

Salt Increases Blood Pressure
Forget AIDS, cancer and famine for a moment-increased blood pressure is the most common cause of death in the world!
Violence: Will it ever end?
The 20th century was the most violent in history and the 21st promises to be just as bad. But the Bible holds out hope for a better future.
What Next?
I love her dearly but I cannot go back. As soon as the next conflict starts, she will do what she usually does when she is upset with me
Building Good Relationships
Today, nearly 80 per cent of couples live together before marriage. Many live together and never marry.
T-shirt Slogan Accuracy
We are all human billboards- promoting products and attitudes through the clothing we choose to wear. Kristel Rae explains.
Who are those Adventists?
I'll never forget the time when, while dining with a very senior executive of a world-leading aerospace firm, the subject of religion came up in a somewhat incidental manner. After being pressed, I said that I was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Chu
Seeking Out a Prophet
Throughout human history God has sent prophets to reveal His will and His plans. Here's the story of one such prophet and the blessing that resulted from seeking out the prophet of God.
Our Times: August 2007
Signs is committed to preparing people for the return of Jesus.
Sue Radd: Every Mouthful Counts
What you eat affects you more than you may think.
Jesus Saves!
Have you ever felt bogged down by your selfish nature? Eric Hort reflects on the gift of freedom and life that Jesus provided on the cross.
St Andrews: Home of the Brave
Nothing makes a place more interesting than knowing it's history. Harold Harker tells some of the stories that make St Andrews a town of interest.
A Symbol of Home
A flag declares much about a nation and her people. Mark Finley flies the flag of Christian commitment, joy and promise.
Finding Life's Purpose
After trying fame, fortune and folly, Shaun Bao found his passion- Jesus. Rochelle Woods tells his story.
A Woman's Work
If women calculated the number of kilojoules utilised in their daily routine of running a household
Second Coming: Escape or Energiser?
Is faith all about another world or is it about living now? Nathan Brown finds a call to make a difference now in Jesus' promises of the Second Coming.
7 Secrets of Contentment
Living simultaneously with positive and negative experiences can be stressful. Is it possible to find peace and contentment in such a world? Let's look at seven secrets "of being content in any and every situation."