Signs of the Times
July 2007 Issue | Vol 122 No 7
Articles in This Issue:

Warming Winter Soups
Warm up this winter with a hearty soup and prevent gaining weight!
Weighing Baby
Advise covering baby weight; melanomas; adrenaline rush; digital vs needle scales; crash diets; contact lenses; and hot foods and germs.
The CREATION of a Better Life
Life can always get better. Julene Deurksen-Kapao reveals eight ways to improve yours.
Getting Control
Most of us will never kill someone else, but our hearts are not innocent of such thoughts.explores the thought life that leads to law-breaking.
Riding the Spirit
Life's a journey in many ways. David Edgren shows how his personal and spiritual journey travel together.
Mirages in the Mirror
When we go shopping she does not want to use the public toilets because she hates seeing herself in those mirrors.
The Inclusiveness of God
Samir Selmanovic reveals the key ingredient in the nature of God that makes Him so compelling.
Anger Management
Video games and violence have gone hand in hand since the first Space Invader was zapped 25 years ago.
Benefits of Cross Training
Online weight-loss coach Andrew Cate looks at how you can add some spice to your exercise training program.
Our Times: July 2007
Signs remains committed to expressing the Word of God in every magazine.
A Life Well Lived
Kristel Rae delves into the lives of a remarkable couple-Peter and Joan Ruthven.
God, Marriage and Family
The relationships we are involved in shape us. Graeme Loftus reveals how we have been created to live and love.
Hugh Evans: Making Poverty History
By the time you finish reading this sentence, three children in the world will have died from preventable causes. Jarrod Stackelroth talks to humanitarian Hugh Evans about changing lives and making a difference.
Does This Sound Good To You?
Putting our thoughts into words more often could be beneficial. Kim Peckham explores the value of both compliments and correction.
Forgive Them
Have you ever struggled with the desire to get even with someone who has wronged you? Harold Harker provides a view of the perfect solution.