Signs of the Times

April 2007 Issue | Vol 122 No 4

Articles in This Issue:

Clashing Symbols
Clashing Symbols
Time changes everything, so they say. David Edgren, challenges us to reclaim the symbols that define us.
Are Trans Fats to Die For?
Are Trans Fats to Die For?
Consuming 5 g trans fats daily is known to increase heart disease risk by 25 per cent.
A Name to Honour
A Name to Honour
Much of life is about representing something greater than ourselves- family, company and country. Loron Wade challenges us to think carefully who we represent and how we do so.
Our Times: April 2007
Our Times: April 2007
For over 120 years Signs of the times has been driven by one purpose
Don't Panic
Don't Panic
Is there anything I can do to prevent myself from becoming panic struck?
To Number Our Days
To Number Our Days
The unrestrained life is busy, cluttered and frustrating. Loren Seibold contemplates the wisdom of the planned life.
The Kokoda Track
The Kokoda Track
Andrew Cate walked the Kokoda Track with six friends looking for adventure, and a better insight into a significant part of Australia's war history.
Work Out Your Own Salvation
Work Out Your Own Salvation
There is something you just can't share. Robert Wolfgramm looks at one of the tough realities of life.
Honouring Those Who Served
Honouring Those Who Served
"War is all hell," said US General William Tecumseh Sherman after the American Civil War, a battle which, less than 100 years after America's birth, threatened to rip the nation asunder.
Still a Hero
Still a Hero
It is never easy to send someone off to war.Norman Young reflects on his father's heroic life.
Medical Hotline: April 2007
Medical Hotline: April 2007
Medical Hotline with Dr James Wright
Faith in Health and Healing
Faith in Health and Healing
Conflicting research findings disagree about the impact of prayer and faith in healing the sick. Victor Parachin suggests it is about focus.
Thanks for Everything
Thanks for Everything
Being thankful is not always easy, Kim Peckham comments on the many things we take for granted and suggests we should be thankful.
Play At It
Play At It
Can a wheelchair become a throne? Jennifer Schwirzer suggests life is more about what we make of it than what it makes of us.
Death and Resurrection
Death and Resurrection
What happens after death is largely tied to what happens before death. Graeme Loftus explores the decisions that shape our eternity.
Sabina's Love
Sabina's Love
Watching your family murdered-devastating. Meeting your murderer in the dead of night- priceless. Forgiving and embracing him-possible. Mark Finley explores the heart of a Jesus follower.
Sam Mitchell leads with integrity
Sam Mitchell leads with integrity
Winning on the field and off is all about expecting the very best from yourself. Nathan Brown talks to AFL superstar Sam Mitchell about setting and achieving goals.
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