Signs of the Times
November 2005 Issue | Vol 120 No 11
Articles in This Issue:
The headline was startling: "US evangelist wants Chavez assassinated."
Every time I hear the phrase, "to spend more time with family," I suspect a ruse.
It's good to serve your family. But Cathy Irleland has begun to wonder if there is more to serving others.
Making poverty a thing of the past is a noble and achievable goal. Whether or not it happens, suggests Signs editor Nathan Brown, is up to us.
Negotiate your way to a happier marriage.
When I was upset and needed a hug, he gave me one-but it went further.
From the former USSR to Australia is a long way to travel, but from agnostic to believer is even further, as Reg Brown tells.
Hard work and tenacity are the keys to success in any endeavour
Does deep space contain life?
Dr James Wright looks into some medical and health related issues
"Detox" diets are a dime a dozen, but are they worth that much?
It's only as we follow the richness of Christ's poverty, says Harley Stanton, that we experience the riches of restoration and fulfilment.
The book of Daniel contains words we need to hear - in any language.
Grabbing a wild bull by the tail isn't your usual way of learning a lesson.
All-or-nothing approaches to dieting don't work in the long run. Better to try something that allows success over the long term, proposes nutrition expert Kelly James-Enger.
The seventh-day Sabbath, while not to be found among the Egyptian maxims, through archaeological discoveries is traced among the Babylonians.
A too literal view of heaven leads to conceptual difficulties. Better to keep it simple, suggests Kim Peckham, who has his own view of Paradise.