Signs of the Times
June 2010 Issue | Vol 125 No 6
Articles in This Issue:

Why Church?
A common question people ask is, Why should I go to church? It isn't just about God! Val Wright explains why.
Love Your Food, But...
Did you know that reducing food waste from leftovers or fresh produce past its optimal date can save you money and help cool the planet?
Is a Super Volcano Coming?
Researchers are suggesting that Eyjafjallajokull's April eruption could trigger even bigger eruptions in the much larger neighbouring volcano, Katla. Geoff Youlden finds out the truth.
From Saturday to Sunday
Samuele Bacchiocchi identifies three factors that influenced Christians in the first few centuries after Christ to adopt the observance of Sunday
Internet Safety
Kristin Thiele looks at ways to create and maintain healthy boundaries in the age of social networking.
Solo Team Incentives
Personal trainer Andrew Cate looks at how to harness some of the excitement and team spirit of a World Cup team when you're exercising alone.