• 280 Enrolled

Staying In Control

How to maintain a healthy weight

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Obesity is the gateway to all other diseases. Learn the lasting way to keep the bulge at bay.

What You Will Learn


Living Well explains energy intake and it’s relation to the obesity epidemic.


Maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial - Living Well shows why and how.

Simple, Yet Hard

Living Well shows how an obese body will hijack attempts to loose weight, and the best measures to achieve your health goals.


Julie Hoey
Julie Hoey

BSc (Nutrition and Food Sciences), Grad Dip Dietetics, Grad Dip Ed

Maddison Fox
Maddison Fox

BSc (Nutrition), Hons (Dietetics), APD, AN, BAppSc (Exercise and Sport Science), Sports Dietition

Ross Grant
Dr Ross Grant

Phd (NeuroPharmacology), MAppSc (Clin Chemistry), BEd (Sc) (Biochemistry/Chemistry)

Darren Morton
Dr Darren Morton

PhD (Human Physiology), MAppSc (Human Movement), BEd (Distinction)

Christiana Leimena
Dr Christiana Leimena

PhD (Cell Biology and Inherited Heart Disease), BSc Hons (Biomedical Science)

Reviews (7)

I would recommend this course to friends and family because it is written in simple and concise language that is easy to follow. Again, it empowers the reader to make informed choices and enjoy a healthful lifestyle. It's excitingly interactive and fun!


Simple, easy to follow and relevant.

Sally Sayers

Excellent information and format. Really enjoyed.

Robin Morris

The course contains things we have all heard before, but it's good to be reminded and get back to the basics again.

Laura Fowler

This course is very easy and quick to do, it will show you the important facts needed to prevent and or loose weight gain, it was helpful for me, I have recommended for anyone.

Jammie Atkinson

It is an honour for me personally to be a part of this amzing courses.It's highly recommended.

Paul Newsummer