The Sumerians
Digging up the Past
Start For FreeLearn about one of the first great civilisations and it’s most famous citizen. A man who is considered to be the founder two nations and three global religions.
What You Will Learn

Clay barrels
Four small clay barrels covered with mysterious cuneiform characters.

Sumerian tombs
"Mes-kalam-dug, Hero of the Good Land." This title was found inscribed on two golden bowls and a lamp retrieved from the tomb.

The Ur Dynasty
The First Dynasty of Ur was swallowed up by the conquests of Sargon of Akkad, who established his authority over the countries of the Middle East.
Reviews (8)
I had no idea about the fact that Ur was never confirmed in any other historical documentation outside of the Bible. This was really great information to learn.
Fascinating information and photos in this course can spark one's imagination to "dig deeper" into the archaeological study of the Bible from almost anywhere in the world, so easy now with Google at our fingertips.
i find this course to be inspiring and educational i really enjoyed it! I think a person should study these courses it will help them to learn about the history of the Earth and its Creator
lIt's absolutely amazing to see the pictures of the beautiful artifacts and read about them.
Yes I quite enjoy learning about different Biblical countries.
Highly recommend. The study of archeology and history give us a better understanding of our Biblical ancestors.