Understanding Tithe
Why giving back can bring joy
Start For FreeUncover a practical life plan that partners with God and discover personally the joy and security this brings
What You Will Learn

The solution
Uncover a practical life plan that partner with God and discover personally the joy and security this brings.

The gift
Everyone is gifted! Learn more about the gifts God has given us and our response to Him.

Unchained commission
God set us free and then gave us a commission. Find out about your part in His plan.

Clifford Goldstein
BA (Theology), MA (Northwest Semitic Languages)

Pr John Gate
BA (Theology), MA (Religion)

Jared Madden
Producer "Beyond the Search"
Reviews (6)
This is a great course ..Thank you I learnt something I advise you to read it
This course remains me that there is nothing we possess, all belongs to God. Tithing is our way to trust God fully.
It was very helpful and enlightening, the bible text as references was very helpful too.
Yes. basic but gets you thinking about what it really means tithing. It's really not about the money.
This course has helped me to understand the importance of tithes so I recommend this course to each and everyone so that they can benefit
These questions make you think, and are very resourceful.