• 126 Enrolled

Burial Customs in Bible Lands

Digging Deeper

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Discover the treasure of long lost graves. learn the fascinating burial rituals of the ancient world and their meanings. Find out their significance for us today.

What You Will Learn


For the Ka to function it had to be able to return to the body. It would be disastrous if the body decayed and ceased to exist. So it had to be mummified and it had to be protected. Hence the building of pyramids to protect the burial site.

Funeral Boats

A very common Egyptian practise was to provide a funeral boat for the dead. Most of these boats were quite small, but Cheops, who always did things on a grand scale, had six huge boats

The Ba & The Ka

The Ba was sometimes symbolized by the Ba bird, which left the body and winged its flight to eternal bliss where it became absorbed into the great solar deity from which it had come.


Reviews (9)

a great hope we have of meeting our savior

James Hermann

Very interesting, you could be surprised about these burial customs throughout history.

Lachlan Clough

Interesting and informative. A very, very simple version of Digging Up The Past with David Downs.

Jodie Quodling

another interesting course Thank you

kerryanne tavener

This was a very interesting presentation. I enjoyed it and I recommend it to everyone!

Frank Haynes

This is a wonderful course and I love the ending as you start to talk about return of our lord Jesus! I am so grateful to have the truth and can't wait for his return. I am going to share this course with my other Christian friends who r misguided 😊

Mel Dacker