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How Forgiveness Can Save Your Life

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Every one of us has a story – a hurtful event perpetrated by someone who mattered in our lives. Dr Tibbits' groundbreaking research revealed that a failure to forgive creates an inner anger disturbing our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. This online course will show you how to forgive – insight by insight, step by step, as Dr Dick Tibbits demonstrates how forgiveness can literally save your life.

What You Will Learn

My Life is Your Fault

We all want to believe that life is fair. But what happens when life turns out to be not so fair after all? How can we best respond to the hurtful things that happen to us? This section deals with justice and forgiveness.

Choosing to Forgive

Too often we hurt more than is necessary simply because we would rather suffer than forgive. For some reason, we believe that staying angry is better than getting over our anger.

Personal Forgiveness

The biggest barrier to self-forgiveness may be our own resistance to it. It's not simply we feel bad because we've done wrong but because we wrap ourself in it as if it were a comfy blanket which is destroying us.


Dick TIbbits
Dr Dick TIbbits

Reviews (26)

This course was great, and helped me so much, it was what I needed.

Jenny Cant

I would definitely recommend this course as it was very insightful and in-depth. It caused me to do some serious introspection which at times is uncomfortable but necessary to grow as an individual. Thank you for developing this course!

Leandra Hernandez

I really enjoyed these course because it challenged me to dig a little into the past. By doing this I saw where I need to forgive others. Forgiveness is the key to moving not just past the hurt and shame but healing as well.

Charles Robson

I would recommend this course because it challenges the student with tough questions about forgiveness and requires cutting self-examination.

David Battle

This course was very helpful to me. It let me gain a different perspective to my current life situation and give me some strategies to cope and move forward. I am very grateful to have been able to do this and to gain the benefit.

Vicky Oliver

I would strongly recommend this course to all adults from late teens onwards. I am looking forward to our church providing this course in our local community in the near future, and looking forward to even greater ongoing learning .

Wendy Read