Plants & Fats
Exploring plant-based diets
Start For FreeWhat is so good about plant-based diets? Discover the easy benefits and everything you need to know about fats.
What You Will Learn

The Value of Plant Foods
Find out what is so extraordinarily good about plant foods.

Are all fats bad, or are there good fats? Living Well explains trans, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Omegas & Oils
Living Well details where to find omega fatty acids and takes a look at the role of oil in the diet.

Julie Hoey
BSc (Nutrition and Food Sciences), Grad Dip Dietetics, Grad Dip Ed

Maddison Fox
BSc (Nutrition), Hons (Dietetics), APD, AN, BAppSc (Exercise and Sport Science), Sports Dietition

Dr Ross Grant
Phd (NeuroPharmacology), MAppSc (Clin Chemistry), BEd (Sc) (Biochemistry/Chemistry)

Dr Darren Morton
PhD (Human Physiology), MAppSc (Human Movement), BEd (Distinction)

Dr Christiana Leimena
PhD (Cell Biology and Inherited Heart Disease), BSc Hons (Biomedical Science)
Reviews (11)
An excellent and very informative course, though the subject is complex and requires time to take in and apply all the information. Thank you.
The information in this course is presented well and is very understandable.
Excellent course - very informative
thank you love these study course helping me so much with my health love learning
interesting course.
Very helpful not to difficult to understand.