The Sabbath Secret
Discover a secret that brings rest and rejuvenation
Start For FreeDiscover a secret gift, known by few for a millennia, that brings ongoing rest and rejuvenation.
What You Will Learn
Even Jesus had the Sabbath gift
Even Jesus partook of the rejuvenation offered by God to prevent stress, find out how you can, too.
Written in stone
God’s law includes a solution for burnout, the Sabbath. Discover the rest God created for us.
The daily struggle
It’s easy to get caught up in where we are going and what we are doing. Discover a plan for eternity.
Clifford Goldstein
BA (Theology), MA (Northwest Semitic Languages)
Pr John Gate
BA (Theology), MA (Religion)
Jared Madden
Producer "Beyond the Search"
Reviews (20)
Simple explanation on why sabbath is the day of rest. Even a child can understand and be convinced of this truth.
The Sabbath rest explains in brief the creation of the Sabbath, its importance to our daily walk with Jesua and its importance for our salvation.
This is a very easy learning experience for me to see how man changed the Sabbath not God.
Succint and informative.
A great study every believer should ponder this topic. The very words written by God himself are vital to our walk of faith
I found the course to be very interesting and insightful. It was very easy to read and understand and I would recommend learning in this way.