• 398 Enrolled

What's Going On?

Discover the greatest controversy

Start For Free

The world is in crisis, have you wondered if anyone is in control? Explore historical and current day events to find the big picture that gives hope.

What You Will Learn

What's going on?

The world is in crisis, and who hasn’t at times wondered why, especially when life gets hard?

Where are we headed?

Are we all headed to oblivion, maybe not. Discover totally different picture of how the crisis started.d

Signs of the Times

Uncover the secrets of how these signs help us understand the story of earth, and our own place in it.


Clifford Goldstein
Clifford Goldstein

BA (Theology), MA (Northwest Semitic Languages)

John Gate
Pr John Gate

BA (Theology), MA (Religion)

Jared Madden
Jared Madden

Producer "Beyond the Search"

Reviews (11)

What's going is an introduction, placing the Word of God in perspective to what is happening in the world today. An introduction - showing that the prophecies are surely being fulfilled in our day...

Pierre Louw

Very helpful.

Paul Dalley

I love the course

Lewis Salasini

It was presented in an easy to read manner that I could share with non-believers to help them understand why there is a lot of awful things in this world going on but we can trust God in-spite of all these things!

Natz Nawaikalou

As a media practitioner who has covered a variety of stories across the African continent, this course provides answers that make a lot of sense unlike the explanations that "experts" give in respect of world events that include wars and disease.

Kellys Kaunda