Archaeological Diggings
March 2016 Issue | Vol 23 No 2
Articles in This Issue:

Archaeological Mystery of Ancient Ai
Where is the site of this most ancient settlement?
The Archaeologist: Gertrude Caton-Thompson
Archaeologist Gertrude Caton–Thompson She was a student at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, graduating in archaeology in 1919.
May Your "Ba" Be With You
Ancient Egyptians had a focus on entering the after-life. So what, exactly, did they believe?
Xerxes' Greek Campaign
The clash of cultures—Greece vs Persia—was inevitable. But the outcome was less predictable. A look at the why, the how and the wherefore of Xerxes’ march on Athens and Sparta.
Aliens or Egyptians - Who Really Built the Pyramids?
A closer look at the claims of sensationalists
Trajan: Emperor of a Military Machine
Military success was his road to emperorship, so there is no surprise that under Trajan's direction, the Roman empire reached its greatest extent.
Cyrus and the Ancient Psychics
His coming was prophesied 150 years before his birth. While sceptics have sought to rationalise this amazing occurrence, it is difficult to avoid its truth. An closer look at the evidence.