Archaeological Diggings
Sept 2015 Issue | Vol 22 No 5
Articles in This Issue:

Hippocrates: A Modern Mind in the Ancient World
A look at the ancient origins of modern medical practice, established in ancient Greece.
Titus: Harbinger of Destruction
His rule was short, and characterised by disasters natural and man-made
The Archaeologist: Archibald Henry Sayce
Archibald Sayce is recognised as a giant among archaeologists; he succeeded in just about everything he set his mind to. But his life didn’t begin that way
Ancient and Modern Psychics
Editors comments with Gary Webster
Looted in Syria, Sold in London
On the hunt for "blood antiquities" in London – so far no-one has worked out how to stop it.
An Exile in Babylon
Let's look at the historicity and accuracy of a long-disputed, even ignored, archaeological source - the Bible
Tales from the Silk Road
For more than millennium, traders braved the hazards of mountain and desert along the Silk Road seeking the wealth of the East. And at its western end was Parthia, strategically situation to benefit.