Show us the Father
Jeris Bragan
In his years as a counsellor, Jeris Bragan has found that, despite anger and trauma, most of us have a deep need for a loving and powerful Father.
Taking the plunge
Melissa Howell
In baptising her son, Melissa Howell experienced the power of this most ancient of Christian rites.
Not like the movies . . .
Bjorn Karlman
The second coming of Christ as outlined in the Bible is a reality that you won’t miss, as Bjorn Karlman explains.
“Earth calling Mars . . .”
Errol Webster
Many space explorations try to discover whether we are alone in the universe, but Errol Webster believes he has discovered something “out there” that science cannot inform us about.
What the Holy Spirit can do for you
Marvin Moore
Marvin Moore points out several ways the Holy Spirit can help you to have a more meaningful spiritual life.
The beginning
Ed Gallagher
Ed Gallagher says finding hope for the end of the world requires looking in an unexpected place . . .
From Sunday to Sabbath
Doug Batchelor explains why he switched from observing the Sabbath on Sunday, the first day of the week, to observing it on Saturday, the seventh day.
"In remembrance of me"
Wilbur Hendricks
The most impressive communion service this GI ever attended.
The final courtroom
Ronel DeBlois
Everyone needs a good attorney at court. Especially when you’re guilty and on trial for your life.
Why Jesus is returning
Loren Seibold
This world is a dangerous place and full of fear. That, says Loren Seibold, makes Jesus’ promise to return someday a message of hope and security.
The guarantee of Jesus' return
Before Jesus left the earth He said He would return. But after nearly 2000 years, how can Christians believe that promise?
The original soul sleeper
Bryan Ball
Martin Luther, who started the Protestant Reformation, had some unique views about death.
Living in enemy territory
The universe is at war. But there is something we can do about it.
The Trinity
Wayne Boem / Charissa Fong / Christiana Leimena
"They obviously appeared as physical beings with the faces and voices ... the same as those they had when they died"
Who are we?
Loren Seibold
"What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"
Can God ever stop loving me?
Melissa Howell
When we mess up, our next step should be to run to, not from, the One who loves us most.
Last Strike
Kim Peckham
With the threat of nuclear war seemingly increasing, will it be the likely cause of the end of the world?
Wayne Boem / Charissa Fong / Christiana Leimena
Every month, our Bible correspondence school instructors, Wayne Boehm, Charissa Fong and Christiana Leimena, delve into the Bible to answer some of life and Christianity’s deeper questions. Suggest a topic at
Women in Christianity
Every month, Lyle Southwell delves into the Bible to answer some of life and Christianity’s deeper questions. Suggest a topic at
The Growing Food Crisis
Kenneth Cox
The world is on the brink of a major food crisis, but in spite of grave prospects, there is hope.