Aid & Human Rights
Where is God in the pain of systemic injustice?
Amy Orr-Ewing
Those disillusioned by hypocrisy might wonder whether the God of the Bible really cares about those who are forgotten and abused.
Worth dying for?
Followers of Christ are among the most persecuted people on the planet, says James Standish. What motivates them to continue in their faith?
Feeding the homeless or the ego?
Katherine Yap
When raising awareness about a good deed becomes a shameless brag about one’s own generosity. By Katherine Yap.
Muddy, crowded and desperate . . . but never hopeless
Celine Oldebraten
About one million Rohingya have fled Myanmar and are seeking sanctuary in Bangladesh. Aid worker Britt Celine Oldebraten discovered that, while the scale of the crisis is hard to grasp, the stories of individual refugees are all too real.
Love anyway
Jesus’ message of love and peace is all very well for safe, suburban churchgoers. But how relevant is it to the harsh realities of life . . . in Iraq, for example? Kent Kingston reports.
A long walk with Peter
David Caukill
Peter Tripovich, 90, recently went for a walk . . . around Australia.
No longer silent
In a country where women have to fight doubly hard for gender equality, Jacqueline Joseph is trying to change the very fabric of society.
From bondage to freedom
Pudens Isabel
Sex trafficking is a major problem in Nepal, but there are two non-governmental agencies helping would-be victims to avoid the trap.
Pandemic of pain
Ashley Steele / Purdens Isobel
Around the world women and girls are targeted by traffickers and suffer at the hands of their husbands and partners. But Ashley Steele and Pudens Isobel have seen strategies at work that are turning back the tide of abuse.
They are not alone
Maritza Brunt
Women and girls are facing violence in Papua New Guinea. But, says Maritza Brunt, there’s hope . . .
Returning the favour
David Caukill
Three stories of individuals who are repaying the organisation that helped save their lives.
When drought hits home
Ashley Eisele
Ashley Eisele reports on the impact that a shortage of food and water is having on one family in Africa—and what ADRA is doing to help.
The Winston Aftermath
Josh Dye
Months after a devastating cyclone hit Fiji, locals are still picking up the pieces. This is how one aid agency is helping
Doing Good, Better
Braden Blyde
When it comes to helping communities affected by disaster, there is a right and wrong way.
Food From Heaven
Instead of kicking back and enjoying their retirement, John and Bev Lowe decided to feed the homeless.
Living Her Dream
Sonja Larsen
What do you do when family and society expect you to forgo an education to marry and bear children? One girl broke that tradition.
A School for Refugees
Josh Dye
This March marked the fifth year of the Syrian crisis, which has displaced half of the country’s population. Here’s what one agency is doing to help the suffering population.
Buying a better world
Joy Butler
They say money can’t buy happiness, but even a little has the potential to help thousands and address the inequalities of the world.
Right on Track
Josh Dye
In an environment marred by alcohol and crime, a group of Aboriginal children are getting a shot at life.
Escape from Nicaragua
This is the story of Freddy Zeledon, an Adventist refugee who fled Nicaragua.
What Kind of Freedom
Janelle Muller
This poverty has many dimensions—low levels of education, lack of family planning, insufficient nutrition, inadequate housing, unsustainable agricultural approaches—each compounded by the devastation of natural disaster.
Offering to Hope Pacific Islanders Study Lifestyle Medicine
An offering to be collected in Seventh-day Adventist churches on June 11, 2016 to help reduce the “crippling” burden of chronic disease in the South Pacific islands.
Angels and Devil Priests
Jarrod Stackelroth
“I asked if I should bring toilet paper,” she laughs. “Apparently I can’t but they will show me the big, non-scratchy leaves!