Agents of God
The free gift of God's grace contains more responsibilities than we may expect at first.
Do miracles still happen?
Evidence for modern-day miracles are sketchy. However, one thing is certain: nothing is impossible with God.
The Water of a New Life
Harold Harker
When it comes to the Christian tradition of baptism, we may be missing some important aspects.
Thank God for Atheists?
Christianity may have more to thank atheists for than expected.
Will We Know Each Other In Heaven
Marvin Moore
The Bible says we will be transformed when Jesus comes. Does this extend to our memories and recognition of our friends and loved ones?
The Miracle of Love
Roger Morneau
When he decided to accept God into his life, he turned his back on demon worship.
The Truth is Out There
Loren Seibold
Is there an ultimate truth, or does our knowledge constantly change with new information? And what does this mean for our understanding of the Bible?
The price of unity
Dean Edgar
Dean Edgar looks at the campaign to bring Catholic and Protestant denominations together.
The God Helmet
Loren Seibold
Some spiritual experiences come from God. Others don’t. How do we tell the difference?
Pet shop prayer
Michelle Ward
What happened when a young woman shut her shop on the busiest day of the week in order to obey God?
In all things, charity
Loren Seibold
Why are there so many different kinds of Christians today and what does it mean for the world?
Five Questions with Simon Smart
Simon Smart
Simon Smart is director of the Centre for Public Christianity, a not-for-profit media organisation offering a Christian perspective on contemporary life.
Are You Gifted
Karen Holford
The Bible says God has given each of us special talents. Lets discover what yours may be.
Seeing Your Special Angel
Charles Mills
Conversation with a donkey – and what one would say to an angel.
Legalist or Lovely-ist
We are not saved by obedience but neither are we saved by wilful disobedience.
Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?
Kevin Wilson
“Potlucks.” “Family feel.” “Haystacks.” “My parents.” “My teacher.” “Sabbath.” “Nutmeat and Weet-Bix.”
Radical Jesus
Sara Thompson
Let’s give the media something positive to talk about by following our radical Saviour—loving people, not just our rules.
The Greatest Tragedy
Linden Chuang
It’s the most tragic story of the New Testament, one we should all find time to reflect on this Easter—the death of Judas.
The Cross
Jarrod Stackelroth
Crosses are everywhere. People wear them around their necks, on their wrists or even ink them into their flesh. What do they mean?
Go Into All the World
Barry Gane
The missional model is about being sent, it is about going into all the world’..