Growing in Christ
Loren Seibold
Loren Seibold looks at what it means to be "born again" and how to continue the Christian growth.
Life-Giving Water
Graeme Loftus
Water is easily our most precious natural resource. It is fitting that life begins, as Graeme Loftus demonstrates, in the water.
Finding Peace
Loron Wade
The rest that results from a job well done is the best kind of rest on earth. Loron Wade explains.
What Is Prayer?
We often limit God to our wish-list, and ourselves to quick visits with Him. Barry Oliver explains the reality and responsibility of sincere prayer.
The Dream of God
Samir Selmanovic
God knows the future. Samir Selmanovic shares some thoughts on how God communicates that knowledge with humanity.
Death and Resurrection
Graeme Loftus
What happens after death is largely tied to what happens before death. Graeme Loftus explores the decisions that shape our eternity.
A Name to Honour
Loron Wade
Much of life is about representing something greater than ourselves- family, company and country. Loron Wade challenges us to think carefully who we represent and how we do so.
Treasures in Jars of Clay
Stephanie Fox
The stories in the Bible teach the value God places on each of us. Stephanie Fox recalls a few of her favourites.
True Versus False Worship
Errol Webster
I once visited a beautifully ornate temple in northern India. People were filing past the lingam, paying homage with gifts of money and flowers.
The Humility of God
Samir Selmanovic
"Kneel before your king" has been heard by a myriad of subjects. Samir Selmanovic reveals a kingdom where the kneeling is done by the King-a Servant King.
When Jesus Returns
Mark Finley
Death makes its mark on each of us as we lose loved ones. Mark Finley offers hope for the sorrowful soul.
Mark's Heroines
David Edgren
Four Gospels tell the same story-of Jesus' life and death- each from their own perspective. David Edgren opens Mark's Gospel and finds some unlikely heroines.
The Heavenly Temple
Graeme Loftus
A distant land and a long-ago time point us to a present-day reality of God. Graeme Loftus explains.
Little Gods
Loron Wade
For centuries cultures have created gods to meet their own needs. Loron Wade explores the nature of the one true God and explains the danger of false gods.
Who do you Worship?
Loron Wade
Worship is an attitude of the heart. In other words, what we love, we worship. Loron Wade points us to the only God who deserves our love and worship.
Jesus, the Transparent Man
Colin Renfrew
Have you ever felt people could see right through you? Colin Renfrew reveals a Man who truly was transparent in His every action.
Greater Love
Adele Nash
Does true love exist? And if it does, what does it look like? Adele Nash puts all her flowers in one basket.
Our First Love
Errol Webster
Here are really only two views as to where life came from: either evolution or creation.
The Real Deal
Bob Donaldson
Is Jesus really the Son of God? Check out some Bible prophecies with Bob Donaldson that give a clear answer.
Origin of the Species
David Edgren
Children are often said to have their "father's eyes" or "mother's smile." David Edgren demonstrates that our human nature reveals our heavenly Father.
The Nurture of God
Samir Selmanovic
We are all followers. Those who would rule our lives abound. Samir Selmanavic offers up an invitation to follow, and follow well, a worthy Master.
Dangerous Love
Trudy Morgan-Cole
When Mary was called to love, she had no idea what it would cost her. And neither do we. Trudy Morgan-Cole tells the story.