Health & Wellbeing

  • Delicious, Nutritious and Auspicious
    Delicious, Nutritious and Auspicious

    * Record Staff

    Move over Jamie Oliver, there is a new 30-minute master chef on the air.

  • Baby Brain Boost
    Baby Brain Boost

    Arlene Taylor

    Here are some ways to make you children smarter without really doing anything

  • Preventing Alzheimer's Disease
    Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

    Sue Radd

    How would you feel if you were diagnosed with mild memory problems, which could progress to dementia within just five years?

  • Presents

    James Standish

    James Standish's birthday isn't until June, but he already knows what he wants. The answer may surprise you.

  • A Sound Investment
    A Sound Investment

    Simon Barden

    Imagine a world where we don’t need to spend time preparing or cooking food. Sounds like an efficient use of time, but is it?

  • Deconstructing Bircher Muesli
    Deconstructing Bircher Muesli

    Sue Radd

    Bircher muesli is a soaked, sticky “porridge” that requires no cooking.

  • The Ice Battle
    The Ice Battle

    Julie Guirgis

    As the problems associated with crystal methamphetamine addiction ramp up, is forced rehabilitation the answer?

  • Home Alone
    Home Alone

    Karen Holford

    As telecommuting becomes more common, employees and employers are discovering some unexpected side effects.

  • Go Healthy For Good: January/February 2016
    Go Healthy For Good: January/February 2016

    Nerida Mckibben

    Nerida McKibben is the host of HopeChannel’s health and wellness show, Go Healthy For Good. To find out more, go to

  • Is Wine Fine?
    Is Wine Fine?

    Anthony MacPherson

    To drink or not to drink? The answer is not as simple as one might think.

  • Have a Healthy, Happy Christmas
    Have a Healthy, Happy Christmas

    Melody Tan

    How you can enjoy the festive season's treats without feeling the guilt.

  • A Mother's Prayer
    A Mother's Prayer

    Emily Galbraith

    At a loss to help her son with the deep depression he was experiencing, Emily Galbraith sought divine help

  • A Healthy Spirit For Your Mind
    A Healthy Spirit For Your Mind

    Angela Zujic

    When it comes to mental health, a belief in God plays a bigger part than we may think.

  • All About Chia
    All About Chia

    Sue Radd

    These tiny, oval, black or white seeds have been used as food and medicine for centuries by ancient South American civilisations. Now they’re also being grown in Australia and sought out as a health food.

  • The Day I Lost My Dad
    The Day I Lost My Dad

    Julie Guirgis

    Julie Guirgis’s father suffers from dementia. One day he wandered from home.

  • Not-So-Perfect Cuppa
    Not-So-Perfect Cuppa

    Eliabeth Ostring

    More than 100 years ago Adventists were advised by Ellen White to avoid caffeine. Was her advice correct? Or did she misunderstand something? Should we follow her counsel? Or should we go with the practices of contemporary society?

  • The Medical Marijuana Ruse
    The Medical Marijuana Ruse

    Gary Christian

    As an increasing push is made to legalise medical cannabis, many Adventists either agree or are agnostic. But do we know the full truth?

  • Robbed By Alzheimer's
    Robbed By Alzheimer's

    Lindy Sperring

    Over six years Lindy watched her mother-in-law decline from a vibrant, active woman to a debilitated, confused and helpless invalid. Alzheimer’s disease eventually claimed her life.

  • The Great Sugar Scandal
    The Great Sugar Scandal

    Vicki Griffin

    Nutrition experts Vicki Griffin and Evelyn Kissinger team up to answer some important questions about sweeteners, including why you should cut back on sugar—and how.

  • Add Some Almonds
    Add Some Almonds

    Sue Radd

    Almonds come as whole, blanched, slivered, flaked and ground. And their culinary versatility is matched by their ample health benefits.

  • The Spiritual Wounds of Abuse
    The Spiritual Wounds of Abuse

    Deanna Pitchford

    More than 10 years of sexual abuse—at the hands of a "good Christian man", no less—is more than enough to distort one's picture of God. “I know God is good," says *Rachel. "I just haven't seen any of it."

  • Lifestyle the best medicine
    Lifestyle the best medicine

    Brenton Stacey

    One of the world’s leading health and exercise scientists describes it as one of the most exciting medical discoveries of the past few decades: the power of “low tech” for remedying problems created by “high tech.”

  • What's the Connection?
    What's the Connection?

    Kevin Price

    Pastor Kevin Price, director of Adventist Health for the South Pacific Division, discusses the connection between spiritual and physical health.

  • Why You Should Have a Date
    Why You Should Have a Date

    Sue Radd

    Dates have been around since ancient times and now science confirms they’re more than just a fix for a sweet tooth.