Health & Wellbeing

  • Alcohol Addiction
    Alcohol Addiction

    Clark Carr

    It is said that a glass of red wine a day is good for one's health. Clark Carr explores the truth behind the health myths of alcohol.

  • Had a Gutful?
    Had a Gutful?

    Sue Radd

    Do you suffer from unresolved symptoms of irritable bowel, such as bloating, gas, pain, diarrhoea or constipation? New research brings hope: limiting or avoiding FODMAPs in your diet may help.

  • Solo Team Incentives
    Solo Team Incentives

    Andrew Cate

    Personal trainer Andrew Cate looks at how to harness some of the excitement and team spirit of a World Cup team when you're exercising alone.

  • Love Your Food, But...
    Love Your Food, But...

    Sue Radd

    Did you know that reducing food waste from leftovers or fresh produce past its optimal date can save you money and help cool the planet?

  • Fight Obesity in Kids
    Fight Obesity in Kids

    Sue Radd

    Obesity in childhood strongly predisposes to obesity in adulthood. Yet many parents are oblivious to the fact that their child is carrying around more than just puppy fat and they assume their child will simply grow out of it.

  • Getting Gluten-Free Fibre
    Getting Gluten-Free Fibre

    Sue Radd

    Getting enough dietary fibre from a gluten-free diet.

  • A Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet Versus a Vegan One
    A Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet Versus a Vegan One

    Ross Grant

    Most people think of a vegetarian as someone who doesn't eat meat. But Dr Ross Grant* points out other kinds.

  • The Healthiest Spreads
    The Healthiest Spreads

    Sue Radd

    Should you use butter, margarine or something else on your bread?

  • Liquid Calories to Burn
    Liquid Calories to Burn

    Sue Radd

    Did you know that the size of a soft drink container has increased by two to three times over the past 50 years?

  • Sugar Shock!
    Sugar Shock!

    Pam Mellskog

    New research reveals that a sweet tooth may be more of an addiction than mere predilection, says Pam Mellskog.

  • Soy for Healthy Bones
    Soy for Healthy Bones

    Sue Radd

    Many women are fearful of developing cancer but hip fractures are more common than cancer of the breast, cervix and uterus combined. While calcium has stolen the spotlight, researchers have discovered that soy and other plant foods may also be vital ingre

  • Low-GI Eating Can Control Your Sugar
    Low-GI Eating Can Control Your Sugar

    Sue Radd

    Millions of overweight people around the world have above normal blood sugar levels, but few realise how dangerous this is.

  • Training for a Fun Run
    Training for a Fun Run

    Andrew Cate

    Organised walks and fun runs are a great motivational opportunity for getting fit and losing weight. Andrew Cate shows you how to get started.

  • Can Nonstick Cookware be Toxic?
    Can Nonstick Cookware be Toxic?

    Sue Radd

    While easy to clean and good for low-fat cooking, Teflon and similar brands of nonstick cookware can release a toxic chemical called PFOA when overheated.

  • 50 Amazing Years in Space
    50 Amazing Years in Space

    Robert Wearner

    Robert Wearner takes a look at space travel past-and future.

  • Should you go vego?
    Should you go vego?

    Sue Radd

    Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan, are healthful, nutritionally adequate and may help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

  • Cinnamon: Culinary Spice or Medicine?
    Cinnamon: Culinary Spice or Medicine?

    Sue Radd

    The discovery that cinnamon can make cells in the body more sensitive to insulin and lower your blood sugar has opened a debate.

  • Are You Personality Positive?
    Are You Personality Positive?

    Nina Atcheson

    Nina Atcheson looks at how to get the most out of your life.

  • Winter Health
    Winter Health

    Andrew Cate

    With the cold and flu season upon us, it's time to look at ways to boost your immune system. By building up resistance, your body will be better prepared to defend itself when the dreaded winter bugs arrive. Personal trainer Andrew Cate gives five practic

  • Sweet Relief
    Sweet Relief

    Elizabeth Casey

    Sugar is sweet to the taste, but it wrecks havoc on the body.

  • Kids in the Kitchen
    Kids in the Kitchen

    Sue Radd

    Looking for ways to get your kids eating healthier while offering more choice and responsibility? Get them into your kitchen.

  • The Truth About Getting Drunk
    The Truth About Getting Drunk

    Victor Parachin

    So often seen as a normal part of the lives of young people, binge drinking is increasingly putting those lives at risk. Victor Parachin reports.

  • Overcome the Top Dieting Pitfalls
    Overcome the Top Dieting Pitfalls

    Kelly James-Enger

    Eating right has numerous enemies. Kelly James-Enger reveals four pitfalls that derail healthy diets.

  • "What Good is a Counsellor?"
    "What Good is a Counsellor?"

    Mary Barnabas

    There is wisdom in seeking a listening ear. Mary Barnabas considers the benefit of visiting a counsellor.