The Sneakiest Strategy
Julie Catton
The difficulty comes when your work time and your down time are so full that there’s no room for God time.
Engaging the Enemy
Ray and Chantal Moaga
The war against the enemy is so brutal that we need strong, heavy-duty armour.
Ready or Not
Lachlan Harders
I have often found the second coming of Jesus to be quite a daunting proposition. It somehow felt like Jesus’ return would actually stop me from achieving some of my personal goals.
Julie Catton
Jesus didn’t build ministry around the temple— He went to the people. Jesus was a friend of sinners. (Matt 11:19)
Crossing the Line
Derek Rippingale
Derek Rippingale interviews Julian Archer—author of Help! I’ve Been Blessed!—about walking the dangerous line between wealth and spiritual poverty.
No Apology for Apologetics
Matthew Williams
. . . one of the biggest misconceptions of Christians and Christianity today is the concept of 'blind faith'.
Curing Adventist Amnesia
Anthony MacPherson
We are not the light but witnesses to the Light's soon reappearing.
When God Spoke to Me
Amy Joy Hess
What does it mean to “hear” God’s voice? How does He “talk” to us?
Saving the Devil
Warren Shipton
The Tassie devils may be ill-tempered and unattractive beast but are we just the same?
Evangelism a Success in Tonga
Jarrod Stackelroth
The Mission to the Cities initiative continues to gain momentum in cities around the South Pacific, using a combination of evangelism and health messages.
Wholism: Why Adventist Should Make Terrible Monks
Can Adventists learn from an extreme form of Christianity—monasticism—with its mandatory poverty, chastity, fasting, silence, hairshirts, reed beds, midnight vigils and self-flagellations?
High School Missionary
Emi Price
Starting at a non-denominatonal school has enabled Emi to share her faith with her somewhat curious and at times doubtful peers.
Plum Pudding's Disastrous Decisions
This is the story of Plum Pudding and his disastrous decisions.
Jesus and the North Korean Dictators
Do Jesus, Kim II-sung and Kim Jong-II have anything in common?
Scrubbing for God
Jarrod Stackelroth
“You will have to let me undress you,” said the lion Aslan to the boy-turned-dragon Eustace. We can Scrubb all we want, but only Jesus can remove the stains.
Keeping it Simple
Tracey Bridcutt
We're often told to think big. But sometimes it's the simple ideas that prove the most successful (anyone remember the Pet Rock and the slinky?).
Branimir Schubert
Here's something to wrap your head around: the greatest leader in history was . . . a carpenter. If there was one person who, by any normal reckoning, should not have been a leader, it was Jesus.
Little Star
Jarrod Stackelroth
Get ready to be moved. This story about a little star will touch your heart in a big way.
Six Years
Linden Chuang
“So what’s it like having a dead dad?” It's not a question you want to be asked shortly after losing your father.
My Story - Pastor Luis Bermudez
Luis Bermudez
When he was a boy, Pastor Luis Bermudez's family decided to flee the civil war in Nicaragua. The rest, you could say, is "His-story"