Health & Wellbeing
10 Fun Family Activities
A family who exercises together stays healthy together. Andrew Cate outlines how you can enjoy family fitness and fun.
The Benefits of Being Outdoors
Julie Guirgis
Living in a technology-focused era, our natural connection with planet Earth is dwindling. Julie Guirgis tells us why it is important to get outside.
Why You Should Reduce the AGEs in Your Food
Certain chemicals formed in your cooking give food a more desirable taste and smell, but could they be making you sick? The answer may surprise you.
Cleaning Up Your Carbs
In a diet-obsessed society, carbohydrate-rich foods have been getting a bad rap.
How to Get Kids to Eat More Fruit
Real fruit is being displaced by packaged snacks, soft drinks and junk foods in children's diets, all of which can lead to early chronic diseases.
Easy Ways to Eat More Fruit and Vegetables
Kelly James-Enger
Kelly James-Enger suggests how you can eat healthier, with a few simple tips.
Beets Lower Blood Pressure
Save money and lower your blood pressure by including Beetroot in your daily diet.
Dieting Dos and Dont's
So this year, you want to lose weight for good, but you're tired of the dieting merry-go-round. Maybe it's time for a lifestyle overhaul.
Beating Back Obesity
Charles Mills
It has become the biggest killer all around the world, but Charles Mills gives us some strategies to combat it.
Renovate Your Plate
It's easy to eat yourself to health and reap immediate benefits, once you know how.
Why Should You Visit a Dietitian?
Confused by conflicting and unrealistic dietary advice? Want more energy and clearer thinking? Need to avoid or better manage a health problem? Then consider consulting a qualified dietitian.
Iodine: Vital for Health
Pregnant women should make sure they obtain adequate amounts of iodine, because a deficiency can have dire consequences for their babies, including tripling the rate of miscarriage.
Why You Should Eat Slowly
Evidence is mounting that fast-paced eating is detrimental to your health.
Vitamin C and the Common Cold
Vitamin C has been studied extensively during the past 60 years, but the results have been mixed with respect to the common cold.
Boost Your Beans
Learning to make legumes the feature of at least four of your main meals each week could be one of the simplest dietary strategies to help you reap major health rewards.
New Health Course In Development
Adventist Media Network and Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing have partnered to develop a new Health & Lifestyle course for the public evangelism activities of the Adventist Church.
Psyllium Power
Need to improve your intestinal health, blood cholesterol or blood sugar? Psyllium could help.